Upgarding tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 31, 2013
I am getting a larger tank for my goldfish. If I move my filter and gravel to the new tank will I need to worry about cycling? The new tank will hold more than twice the water. Would it be best to half fill the new tank and add water gradually or will that make no difference? There will be the same number of fish.
Is there a way to edit the title? I am on the iPhone app.
Put the old filter on the new tank. Make sure the new water has prime or something to that effect in it before you start the fijter. I would watch the levels for a few days but you should be good to go.

PS any plans of upgrading the filter as well.
It's a used tank and is coming with a filter but I will run both as I want to have a cycled filter for if I need to quarantine.
Ahh ok, I have something, can't remember what its called. I am on a well and i usually use RO water so I don't thing it's as important but I use it anyway.
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