Upgrade Lighting

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 27, 2013
Northern Virginia
I have a Seaclear 20g which is a fine tank, but I have the urge to upgrade the lighting. My problem is that the tank has a prefab acrylic lid so I can't use a light that sits on the rim. I have read several reviews of the tank that recommended upgrading the lighting, but none of them suggested fixtures. I won't be doing CO2 (maybe DIY at some point) and I dose Flourish twice/week. I currently have some small amazon swords, hygrophila corymbosa, and DHG. I don't have a whole lot of money to spend (have to run it by the wife!).

Hope that all makes sense. Thanks!
What kind of light did it come with? Unless it's super dim, I wouldn't upgrade lighting without adding co2. It can get out of hand very easily and turn into an algae farm.
I have a Fluval Edge 12g that is similar and I just got a Build My Led fixture with the feet and it sits right in front of the black lid. I also got the dimmer and can use the light from 10-100%. You can have any where from very low to high light.
Oh my that looks lovely! I'll have to save up for that and schmooze my wife some. My plants seem to be doing ok. Surviving at least. Will my plants be ok with this current setup for a while, or am I wasting my time without better lighting?
Oh my that looks lovely! I'll have to save up for that and schmooze my wife some. My plants seem to be doing ok. Surviving at least. Will my plants be ok with this current setup for a while, or am I wasting my time without better lighting?

If the plants are okay now they should be fine for awhile but keep your eye on them. I actually use a liquid carbon like Excel daily in my lower light tanks as well as my higher light tanks. I also suggest getting Seachem Flourish Comprehensive to use weekly after WC's so you plants get some ferts. Once you increase lighting you will have to use either liquid carbon or CO2 and ferts.
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