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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 14, 2009
MY Betta has had fin rot in the past. Now his back fins are healing I see signs of new growth ,but his dorsal fin had a bump on it that was yellowish and it fell off along with part of his dorsal fin and then another bump came back and it fell off along with some of his dorsal fin now only the lover half off his dorsal fin is left and you can see his dorsal bones there white sticks where part of his fins use to be. I have him in a 10 gallon community tank with
4 Zebra danios 5 Neon Tetras 2 cory cats and 2 snails I try to do a water change every 2 weeks but some times I do it every week about 50%. I dont have a spare tank for him so should I treat the whole tank with betta fix or melefix?
Is he getting nipped? Try doing more pwc's and keeping the water cleaner. If the fin gets taken off all the way to the body, it might never grow back. :(
Try the clean water, and if that doesn't work, then you might have to resort to meds. Since you say there was yellow stuff on there, it makes me think of fungus.
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