Urgent help with anemone pls!!!

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 7, 2008
Sydney, Australia
i just bought this anemone a week ago and now it has some strange aqua color looking particles in it. can someone pls tell me wat is it, is it good or bad wat do i have to do if it's bad??
all help appreciated (picture included)


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i don't know what that is, but lets start with the basics- what size tank do you have,what are your water parameters, and what kind of lighting do you have over it?
Looks like that might be a sebae anemone. It doesn't look unhealthy, but they are extremely sensative.

Same questions as Mr X.
ok my tank is 78 litre, 55x62x55 cm. i have changed the water a day ago, my ph and ammonia are good however my nitrite is at 1 mg/litre and nitrate is at 5 mg/litre. the anomene was fine yesterday it just appeared like that this afternoon and now i thought it started to release the thing out of it... is it helping???
pls help me on this.this is strange. oh my tank is about a month old and i just bought a longnoose butterfly this afternoon and it happened after i put the new fish in. is it the problem???
any detectable nitrite is not good. i would say to do a few more waterchanges. meanwhile, a longnose butterfly will outgrow that tank quickly.

what are you using for filtration?
what lighting do you have over your tank?
we have normal light the white one and a standard filter with charcoal and ceramic noodle and we use bio booster as well...
It would appear that your tank has not completed cycling yet. Please take all livestock back to the fish store for now.

Your tank is too small for the butterfly and you do not have enough light for the anemone. There are many other choices you can make. You just need to research what fits.

Please take a step back and read the articles on this site about setting up a tank and cycling it properly

Oh, and while we're at it...

I agree with your tank isnt done cycling. Nitrite is a reading you see only whene your cycling. Anemone like established mature tanks. Yours looks a little unhappy and the area your concerned about looks like some natural color coming back.
I'll ditto what has been said. You aren't through your cycle and anemones should be put in established tanks (8+ months old) As Cmor said returning all your livestock would be the best option. You need to complete your cycle or you could easily stand to loose everything you put in the tank until it is finished.

Welcome to AA!
As Stated above anenomes need a mature tank of 8 - 12 months. The reason is that you water parameters will be more stable and be able to support an anenome.
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