URGENT: Made a big mistake, I think, and need some advice!

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 29, 2005
Atlanta, GA
Its safe to say to say that I am a complete newbie when it comes to aquariums, and I think i may have just did something terrible.

I have a 10 gallon aquarium, which currently has only 1 male betta, a pigmy cory cat, and two mystery snails...

I was testing the water today to see if it was safe to add another fish, I am anxious to get the tank rolling and in my haste, and newbie-ness, I did a ammonium and nitrite test (taking a sample of water for both then adding in drops and waiting for the test results), to make a long story short I dumped the test water back into the tank after the test was done! (It was my days as a life-gaurd when we would test the chlorine levels then dump the water back in)

Right now the tank water is cloudy and discolored.

Are my fish in danger, should I remove them from the tank, put then into fresh water, and clean the tank? Or is it okay... and will the filter remove the chemicals from the tank, and my fish are relatively safe... I know i screwed up, I just dont want to lose the fish.

I feel like an idiot and i dont want my fish to die on the first time out. :(

Please reply back asap.
I would just do a large water change (over 50%) and if the colour is still there, do another. Carbon filtration should also remove it from the water. Even if ther is carbon in the filter, I would still do the large water change. A large water change is always my first step if there is any problem.
I would do a large water change as well..... Hopefully the amount of chemicals that got dumped into the tank was small enough when combined with a large water change that the fish don't have a problem.
The chemicals can be fatal to your fish. Do a large immediate water change. How old is the carbon in your tank? If it's older than 7 days, replace it.
its been a few days, and i have changed the did a large water change, filter/carbon, and cleaned down the aquarium glass, and the fish seem to be alright.i'll be keeping a close eye o them, but thanks all for your quick advice.
that's great news! We all did silly things as a newby and I am sure a lot of us still do silly things now!
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