Using decapsulated brine shrimp?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Sep 1, 2014
Massachusetts, USA

I recently got a vial of decapsulated brine shrimp. How do you use it? Would you feed them directly into the tank like a flake, or would you hatch them like regular brine shrimp eggs, only without removing shells? Anybody have experience using these? I got them for my endler fry. :fish2:
Check your label, you may not have the ones that can hatch.
Yes, you can sprinkle a small amount of them directly into the tank but what I do with them is to put them into some tank water first and let them get wet. I then use a turkey baster ( get one from a dollar store. Don't use the wife's or Mom's good baster. ;) ) and gently blow the eggs into the tank near the fry. This way they see the motion which usually attracts them to start feeding. ( By doing the baster first, you can see how much the fry are eating vs how much you prepared. It's very easy to over prepare decap eggs.) Once they are used to it, you can just gently pour or sprinkle some on the surface. Just beware, a little goes a long way. Don't overfeed. Feed small amounts more often rather than large amounts once or twice a day.
Hope this helps. (y)
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