Using wood from trees that have been chopped down

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 17, 2013
Portland, OR
My dad has chopped down about four big trees on our property over the past few years and as a result, we have lots and lots of extra wood laying around: cherry tree branches, apple tree branches, and maple tree branches.

Does anyone know if any of these would be OK to use as 'driftwood' in an aquarium? If so, how do I prepare it before I put it in the aquarium?
My main concern about using branches that were in your backyard is that they likely had pesticides used on them at some point... Also, if the branches are not fully dried out and have any amount of "green" wood, this can leech toxins into the tank. I remember seeing a guide explaining how to test and prepare "found" driftwood like random branches you find on a trail, but I can't remember where it was... This thread seems to have good information for you though:
Can you make your own Driftwood?
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