UV and Algae

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 7, 2003
Will a UV take care of a bubble algae problem. I have quite a bit of red hair like algae and a touch of bubble algae. Just curious if a UV would help out the situation enough to purchase one. I was thinking that if the bubbles burst, then it would be free floating and could end up going through the UV. I have not seen anything like this in the readings. I am assuming this theory is incorrect. Right?
Good question. I have never read or heard anything about UV helping to control algae. One would think it would since algae spores do free float in the water for sometime until picking a spot.

I'll let someone else answer you with a definite yes or no as I am not real sure. My "gut" says no, but then again, my "gut" also said that UGA would beat UF this year...

If the UV is set up properly, it should kill any free floating algae that goes through it. I have no idea whether this would help with a hair or bubble algae problem, my initial thoughts are it wouldn't.
The only way it would kill it off, is if the bubles were popped and the spores went straight through the UV and not all around the aquarium.... Some of them would be killed, but not all....
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