UV filter? Needed or not

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Mar 27, 2016
I just setup a American cichlid tank , and am not sure if I need a uv filter. It is a 55g tank with two fluval 306 canister filters.

I have a few smal convicts and parrot fish.

Is there a benefit to an inline uv filter?

If so, any suggestions for one that would fit on one of these filters?


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If you have green water from free floating algea, or cloudy water from a bacterial bloom, yes a uv sterilizer will help.
as far as preventing/curing parasitic infestations most of the ones available are useless and pathetic.
To have an impact on parasites the exposure time is far greater than usually is possible with the cheesy little units often for sale.
don't waste you money on a UV unit.
temps of 86 - 89 for 10 days works infinitely better than a UV sterilizer for ich.
I guess my purpose was just general clarity and fish health. I have not seen any algeA, but the tank is a week old.

I guess I will just keep an eye out for those things.

Can you recommend one just incase I need it? I see comments about watts etc. I would think inline would be the best since I have canister filters

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I honestly can't recommend any because they really are a useless gimmick more than anything else at the sizes and implementations offered.
For example one lfs I frequent has an elaborate sterilizer for their salt water, I believe it is 12 48" tubes in series with water flowing less than 200gph through it. So the water is slowly going past 48 feet of medicinal ultra violet light, seemingly ideal configuration and yet they still have issues with parasites at times.

Algae is best controlled via lighting and careful feeding.
clarity will come with time as your system gets established and settled.
I will recommend using some Purigen if you want crystal clear water. It is a re-chargeable chemical filter media and in my experience the best by far at polishing the water.

Honestly, there are much better things to spend your $$$ on for your tank that will yield more/better results than a uv sterilizer.
Purigen is pricy. That replaces carbon? I have the stick fluval setup. Whatever media and carbon came with the setup. I think it's 2 bags of carbon, some polishing pads and bio foam/ bio rings.

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Purigen goes for less than $10 for enough to treat up to 100 gallons for 6 months and then it can be re-charged and re-used up to 6 times.
Sounds a lot more economical than carbon that should be replaced at least every 6-8 weeks at most.
Actually bought on Amazon. Hope my bags work. The size description is .09 x .09 cm mesh. The bag req is 180 microns. Is that the same ?

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I've had a sun sun canister filter with the built in UV light. I used it the first day I bought it and never again! I think its worth pointing out that uv sterilizers should never be run 24/7 as a preventative measure but instead should only be used if there is a problem it can treat. Like green water (which is not as bad as it looks and is actually beneficial in most cases!)
Definitely taking uv off the list. Thanks

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