UV Filter-shopping advice

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 2, 2013
I'd like to put an inline UV Filter on my tank. It's new (couple months) 75 gal. without algae (yet) but between two windows... (I know, bad... but the windows are insulated, non-drafty and somewhat UV protected, at least...) It really was the only place I could put the tank.

I have a HOB Filter as a backup/auxilliary to a Fluval 406 Canister. From what I understand it's the flow-rate of the canister when shopping for a UV sterilizer, not the tank-size? Or am I completely confused? Any help/recommendations as to what kind/brand/size of inline UV sterilizer I should get would be appreciated.
Hi Fife,
here is a site you can go to that shows how UV works on bacteria, algae, and parasites by the flow rate you choose to use. I am not hawking this company so to speak but it is some usefull info. Go to Dr. Foster & Smith, click on menu for UV sterilizers, click on the turbo twist one(was first one on my window), click on the three tabs, description, details, & articles. Hope this helps. Luck, OS.
From what I understand it's the flow-rate of the canister when shopping for a UV sterilizer, not the tank-size? Or am I completely confused? Any help/recommendations as to what kind/brand/size of inline UV sterilizer I should get would be appreciated.

I believe you are correct. If I understand it correctly, the faster the water is moving then the less time the water is exposed to the UV, therefore a more intense UV light is needed to get the job done.

The thinking behind the one that OS mentioned has an interior spiral shape, so the water is inside the filter longer and therefore exposed for a longer duration.

Also, I learned today that the gph rating on canister is what the pump is capable of when there is NO filter media. The output gph WITH media is typically 40% less. So when people on the forums say that companies tend to exaggerate their gph, I believe this is what they are referring to.

I will once again offer this disclaimer: Any information about aquariums that comes from me is purely academic as I have only had my tank for 3 weeks and it is still in its initial cycle. I just like researching stuff.
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