VA/MD/DC/WVA Members Attention!!

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Aquarium Advice Addict
Feb 8, 2006
Mount Laurel, NJ
Hello local folks!!

I'm trying to put together a trip to Pacific East Aquaculture (Dr. Mac's) on 3/14 (Saturday). I know we have talked about going down as a group before but never could get things together and it is a pretty good drive. If you are interested please respond to this thread. We can work out the details over the next couple of days.

If that weekend isn't great here are a couple other dates I can work with.


If you have other suggestions on dates please let me know. I would like to do this soon but later will work as well. I would like to see a good turn out for this trip!

Hope to see you there!!!
Hmm, does noone want to go to Dr. Mac's, or does noone want to hang with Ziggy?

I've been wanting to go to Dr. Mac's, so I'll go. Of course, now everyone else will really not want to go.

Shouldn't this be in our regional forum?
I posted it in the lounge so it would have more visibility.

I also posted in our regional forum.

Now if we can get Scott to go then EVERYONE will want to go.
Shame that the place is marine only... I'm actually free that weekend and would have been interested.:rolleyes:
Jason you are more then welcome to join us. Neilan was strictly a freshie, and he joined us on our LFS tours for Marine only stores.
I'll talk to the boss (read: wife) to see if she can spare me for the day. The pics on the website are quite impressive.. definitely would like to see the place in person. I'll let you know if I'll be able to make the trip.

Gee... gonna make it awful hard to resist making the jump... no no... must become competent in freshwater first... one obsession at a time ;P
I might like to go myself! I finally caught up with lots of bills and now I just have to get work under control, so it might be a nive way to forget about work for a I need more snails and maybe another fish....
I think the original date was this month, and then 2 more dates were offered as an alternative in April.
DOH! LOL, it's even in the first line! Well, I can't make this weekend.
For me, it would work better, Febs month's commission was pathetic and I may be in payback mode. Don't let me hold up the trip!!!!
Super fast survey of those interested in the trip.

Would another date work better then Tomorrow??? Please let me know so we can make a new announcement canceling tomorrow. I have no problem moving the date. I would much rather see a good sized group of us go so if another date is better lets set it and plan for it.
My April gets awful as far as weekends go... but please don't base it off of me since I am going to be that cheepskate being in the store and not buying :rolleyes:
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