Vacation worries...

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 31, 2006
Rochester Hills, MI
I am going on vacation for a little over a week soon, and I'm going to have an automatic feeder feed them several times while I'm gone, but I'm still worried about the power going off/on and my filter losing suction. I have a Marinland Penguin w/a Biofilter. Does anyone know if this particular filter will lose suction if the power goes out and comes back on? I would just try it and see, but wasn't sure if it would hurt it or not (doesn't sound good).

Also, any recommendations on a feeder that will not feed too often? And any other advice for someone leaving their fish for ~ 10 days?

Penguin filters will start back up on their own after a power outage.

The one to worry about is the Aqua-Clear.

It won't hurt to turn the filter off, wait a minute or two, and then turn it back on to make sure that your filter does what all of my penguin filters do.

Have fun on your vacation. . . your fish will be happy to see you when you get home.

When we went on our honeymoon for over 2 weeks, we had a friend stop by and feed the fish only once. We returned to find our aquariums had incredibly clean water and our fish were all happy. Fish can handle longer periods without added food than we can.

Again, enjoy your vaccation
If you are worried about that happening, you can buy a cheap bubble wand and air pump (total package will probably cost you less than $10) for a little piece of mind. That way, just incase anything does happen, the bubble wand will help keep the water oxygenated for you, and you won't have to go through the worries.

As for the feeders, a good one is easily programable to any setting you'd like. Just make sure you try it out first and make sure it is adjusted correctly (ie: doesn't dump loads of food into your tank).
I have a battery operated automatic feeder and I do not trust the thing at all! I have set it up to test run many times on my countertop only to find no food was released at all. I hear the thing running, but the chamber doesn't spin. It did once during one of my first few tests, but I can't seem to get the thing to work. What baffles me is that I've seen it at Petsmart and my LFS, so I know it's a reputable item. I suppose it could be defective, but it's too late for me at this point. $25 down the drain! I'm at work, so I can't tell you what brand it is.

Yucca Patrol is right though - fish can go without food for a while.

As far as your filter quitting out, I mean, try not to worry about it. I mean, does your power go out all the time? If so, have you had problems with the filter before? A week is not a very long time. I wouldn't worry about things like that that are out of your control. Try to have a good time!
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