vals ...questions

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 30, 2006
Flagstaff, AZ
I am thinking of getting some vals in my tank (55gal planted) that currently has 1.7 wpg lighting.

My questions is this
I am thinking of upgrading my lighting and adding co2 at some point and want to know if they would still do well in higher light?
Mine seem to do very well, they grow very quickly. You may have to up your ferts to keep up with the demand.
My tank is heavily planted with vals. I have both corkscrew vals (Vallisneria Americana) and contortion vals (Vallisneria Asiatica). I have recently cut my lights in half to 1.73 wpg cf and am running pressurized co2. I dose 1/2 the amounts of the EI and my vals are growing uncontrollably. I'd hate to see how much I would have to trim at double the light. They will do well for you in the "low light" as well as anything, although it is unnecessary IMO. Also, everyone says that vals will melt with excel. Last week I used the initial dosing once a day the entire week to eliminate some BBA I was getting. Not a single val melted. Just ease them into it and they are fine. :)
If you go with vals, pck one that won't outgrow the tank, that is over 24". The so called Jungle vals that grow to 8' really have no place in a 24" deep tank. Val spiralis is a good one, that grows to around 24".
Of course, if you don't mind the nice affect that the vals provide when they extended along the surface of the water...sort of like an indoor canopy, then jungle vals are fine.
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