Vampire Crabs

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Yeah when I bought them from the lfs they had just put them in a tank by themselves because they were killing everything they could catch. Don't think ADF's would stand much of a chance since they are fairly blind and fragile. Also ADF's need it much warmer than the crabs.
could the crabs be okay with only a basking light,no heater?
It's humidity you need to worry about with them more-so than heat. I had originally pictured using a heat lamp with them and maybe a screen top, since I'll be keeping them in a fairly cold room, but realized they need a lid to trap in moisture which wouldn't accomodate a heat lamp. A better set up is a heater in the water and a good lid..that should keep everything warm and moist enough for them, with an occasional misting. Room temp with no heat device may actually be fine depending on your situation..the winters get cold in my bedroom where the paludarium will be so I need a heating device.
Busy busy busy weekend for me, but glad to see you're on track. :) It seems that the crabs are rather aggressive towards one another after molting. Probably them taking advantage of one another while they're vulnerable. What are you feeding them now and do they have hiding spaces? My new viv for them is smaller but has tons of places to hide, which I think has helped with aggression. I'll get some pictures up soon; gonna have a "photo-shoot day" for all of my tanks and sculptures that I've been finishing up lately.
They don't have much for hiding spaces but I have never seen them show the least bit of aggression towards eachother. They seem to mostly like to hang out all real close to eachother. But I didn't notice the body didn't have eyes..maybe his buddies did go after him...sad :(

Don't know about those springtail cultures...apparently they have to be shipped overnight and it would cost me $50 for them alone...YIKES.

Hey on one site I'm ordering from I came accross "plantation soil"..would this be something good to add to their substrate mix?
Oh if it didn't have eyes it could've been a molt! Overnight for springs? That's ridiculous. :/ Dunno about the plantation soil. When in doubt go with organic topsoil. Plantation soil sounds like it might have some fertilizers added.
No it was the crab that had just molted and was missing the legs. When I turned on the light this morning it was still sitting right where it had been when I turned off the light last night, but limp and eyeless. Unfortunately I have plenty of experience with dead crabs and know diff between a molt and crab :( I've lost alot of fiddlers.

I know right..I was surprised they couldn't just be shipped with my dry goods. I emailed asking about it so we'll see.
Some things that can cause aggression are lack of hiding spaces like LemurLad said, lack of food/room, and an improper male to female ratio. You could try sexing your crabs, perhaps you have a lot of males. Also, make sure they are all the same species, because some vampire crab species look alike. Vampire crabs species don't mix and will kill each other.

Your dead crab could also have died of molt complications and then been cannibalized. How are the rest doing?

They are doing OK, it seems. Hopefully the cuttlebone I put in the substrate will help prevent future molt issues.

I ordered their orchid bark but could not order the springtails. They required 2 day shipping on it so just the springtails shipped would be 49.99.

Should I get organic topsoil to put in the mix as well? If so, what percentage of each should I use..bark, soil, coco fiber, sphagnum moss, calci-sand?

Oh and I forgot, as for what I am feeding them..I wanted to ask advice on that. They don't seem crazy about hikari crab cuisine, but I also do frozen foods like bloodworms, brineshrimp, mysis shrimp, and emerald entree.
You could get topsoil if you want, but you're basically making soil with the bark/cocofiber/sphagnum combo. No reason not to though. :) I'd do equal parts of everything.

As for feeding, I put out bloodworms for them. Occasionally I'll toss in a pinch of fish flakes. They might go after fruit too, I've gotta do a bit more experimenting, heheh.

Also, I'm thinking I may move the crabs back into the paludarium set up... They don't use the vertical space AT ALL in their current 30gal Xtra tall. I was gonna get newts for the palu, but the specific newts I'm looking for are very hard to come by.
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Ok well it's one less thing to buy. This was going to be a cheap little throw together. At this point I've went ahead and purchased a flourescent hood for the dang thing and a $60 stand..scratch my inital plans for a glass top and a dresser lol.

Oh husband has gotten so into this palu project now he wants one for newts too! Some people put them together...I don't think that's such a great idea though.
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Haha, yeah it's funny how every tank manages to push past the "budget" so easily... But hey, it's nice to try, haha.

Mixing species with newts tends to be taboo because newts and salamanders are fairly delicate creatures. They also tend to prefer colder water than most tropical fish. Tell him to check out for anything he could ever want to know about newts. :)
I don't think bloodworms have the nutrient content to be a primary diet. Try other prepared crab foods, fruits/veggies, or crickets. Along with the hikari crab food, there's HBH crab bites, and Hikari massivore pellets. My fiddlers love the massivores and vampires probably would too.

I just ordered some gut loaded crickets...will that do or do they need them live?
Would gut loaded crickets be live? Dead is fine though, as long as they get eaten. You might want to freeze the rest.

No gut loaded crickets are freeze dried I believe, then injected with calcium and stuff to make them more nutritious. I can't stand crickets chirping so I just can't do live. Any paticular fruits/veggies you've found they especially like?

One of my crabs won't come out of the filter. In this temp set up I have them in I guess they can easily get in there..which I didn't even really think about :facepalm: I think it's going to molt in there. Gawd I hope this one doesn't die too!
Hi guys i am new to this thread,currently i have a pair of bi-colour vampire crab 1male 1female the tank cansist of both land and water,1 question can i put a small amount:hide: aquarium salt in the water as there are platy fry in there?i will try to place an image of my setup later
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