Vampire crabs

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Aquarium Advice Regular
May 7, 2017
Hi all.

I saw some vampire crabs in the zoo and am now a bit obsessed with setting up a tank for some.

I’ve found some helpful guidance online about setting up a tank with sufficient land/water balance. Also, got some insight into how to set up the filter & heater. As well as the importance of ensuring they cannot get out!!

Would be interested in any views from you guys on keeping these critters (or freshwater crabs in general).

Also, should a well maintained set up have any odour?

Any thoughts welcome.

I've had a couple of small freshwater crabs and they all have "vanished". A top that fits will would be my recommendation!
There are such interesting color patterns available. Very cool looking creatures. Getting a cycled filter would be ideal. Also shouldn't be much odor because the water would be cycled, and filter help keep the water chemistry in check. Along with water changes and removing uneaten food.

Having a large as possible tank would be best. Reading the link about "getting started" article in my signature.
There are such interesting color patterns available. Very cool looking creatures. Getting a cycled filter would be ideal. Also shouldn't be much odor because the water would be cycled, and filter help keep the water chemistry in check. Along with water changes and removing uneaten food.

Having a large as possible tank would be best. Reading the link about "getting started" article in my signature.

Thanks for your comments. The need for a tight lid is no surprise!

Good to hear about the odor. I only asked because of another thread. With proper hygiene I’d hope for none.

The tank in thinking of using is 120ltr so I’d hope is big enough for a small group. Maybe six or eight? I would set up lots of hiding places and territory markers. I’d also want quite generous planting.

Any thoughts on this plan?

Also, is there any scope for any fish? I’ve seen conflicting reports of them being hunted if too small.

Thanks for your comments. The need for a tight lid is no surprise!

Good to hear about the odor. I only asked because of another thread. With proper hygiene I’d hope for none.

The tank in thinking of using is 120ltr so I’d hope is big enough for a small group. Maybe six or eight? I would set up lots of hiding places and territory markers. I’d also want quite generous planting.

Any thoughts on this plan?

Also, is there any scope for any fish? I’ve seen conflicting reports of them being hunted if too small.


Just to clarify, I have 2 well established fish + shrimp tanks so understand the issues of cycling/maintenance. But appreciate its always good to check!

Tanks again for replying.

It is great to hear that you are up on tank care. As for crabs, I have kept Fiddler crabs and land Hermit crabs (not including fully aquatic FW or SW types). Never these guys

Have been seeing them and reading occasionally articles when they pop up. They look truly amazing and I can not wait to see your build develop.

Aquatic crabs love meaty based foods but minerals and calcium of course are important.

Hopefully someone who has kept these incredible looking creatures can help further.

Make sure to post when you get the plan set and are ready to take action.

One thing would be to make sure you have not only a cycled but matured/stable tank going before getting them put in.
It is great to hear that you are up on tank care. As for crabs, I have kept Fiddler crabs and land Hermit crabs (not including fully aquatic FW or SW types). Never these guys

Have been seeing them and reading occasionally articles when they pop up. They look truly amazing and I can not wait to see your build develop.

Aquatic crabs love meaty based foods but minerals and calcium of course are important.

Hopefully someone who has kept these incredible looking creatures can help further.

Make sure to post when you get the plan set and are ready to take action.

One thing would be to make sure you have not only a cycled but matured/stable tank going before getting them put in.

Thanks for your further thoughts.

By meaty foods, I assume you mean things like bloodworms & daphnia? I also understand they will take good quality flake as part of a mixed diet.

In terms of minerals, I’d guess there are crab additives/food mixes on the market? (Thanks for making the point on this. Mineral additives being required hadn’t occurred to me.)

Having kept crabs before, does 120 ltrs sound sufficient? My intention would be 2/3 land, 1/3 water. The build would be a departure for me, but looks straightforward. Finding and establishing suitable plants before introducing my guests will be part of the fun.

I’ll be pleased to post when (if) I get this project going. It depends on major building works at home. I’m planning a big tank in the front room. Once that’s up and running, I’ll break down down my existing tanks and the crab adventure can begin.

Could be quite a while, but I’m enjoying the fantasy planning for now ...

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