Veggies For Cichlids

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Feb 3, 2005
Vancouver Island Canada
Well I have been trying to give my Cichlids Veggies, so far they won't touch lettuce or cucumber, and the zucchini they spit out right away. They do love peas, is there any other kinds of veggies suitable?
What kind of lettuce did you give them? If it was iceberg then that is why they probably spit it out. You should try romaine or other dark green leaves like spinach, collard greens, and mustard greens. They should like peas if you offer it to them. I also recommend that you try something like carrots because they might nibble on that.
Romaine the vegi of champion cichlids. Mine hate collard greens :roll: or was it mustard greens. Just try a few different things. Until you find some your fish like. If all else fails-- vallisneria. 8O
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