Very bad luck with betta

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 24, 2003
Umm i have this betta in a community tank. Have had him for a month, zero probs, al levels are zero, the prob is all of his fins ezcept the lateral ones seem to be like stiff, like plant's leaves gone dry... Hes lost his colors.
Temp is alright, he eats alright, his behaviour is alright, he swims all the time...

he might be stressed, was he in a smaller tank prior to being in his current tank? Bettas as odd as this sounds like to be in smaller places.. its a bit more secure and the such. He may be stressing because his environment has changed to disliking.

I agree with Electrobes, from personal experience. Bettas like smaller places. The largest aquarium it should be in is a 10g. It MAY survive in a 20g, but anything larger and bettas get stressed. I would advise moving it to a smaller aquarium.
I don't know if the same is true for females as it is for males, but I have a female Betta in my 29gal and shes flourishing. She enjoys having all the room to explore and is not stressed in the least..
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