Very high ammonia in betta 6.5 gallon tank

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jul 17, 2010
Very high ammonia in betta 6.5 gallon tank. I have two separate betta tanks.
One betta 6.5 gallon tank does not have ammonia. My other betta 6.5 has very high ammonia, after two days, of changing tank. I am feeding every other day, one pellet, so I'm not over feeding and there is only 1 fish in the tank.
Very high ammonia in betta 6.5 gallon tank. I have two separate betta tanks.
One betta 6.5 gallon tank does not have ammonia. My other betta 6.5 has very high ammonia, after two days, of changing tank. I am feeding every other day, one pellet, so I'm not over feeding and there is only 1 fish in the tank.

Recheck the ammonia and if it is still very high, search the tank for uneaten food or piles of poo. The extreme ammonia source in 2 days is not the fish. Check for nitrites as well. Could you have sterilized your filter media that it killed the biological filter in the one tank?
I will check for poo

Recheck the ammonia and if it is still very high, search the tank for uneaten food or piles of poo. The extreme ammonia source in 2 days is not the fish. Check for nitrites as well. Could you have sterilized your filter media that it killed the biological filter in the one tank?

I will check for poo, I do not see any, but I will check again. My Nitrites are fine. I always wash in tank water my sponges.. I did not clean anything. I have to find the ammonia mystery. I just added ammonia blocker to the tank. hope that helps. I also added fritz 7
I will check for poo, I do not see any, but I will check again. My Nitrites are fine. I always wash in tank water my sponges.. I did not clean anything. I have to find the ammonia mystery. I just added ammonia blocker to the tank. hope that helps. I also added fritz 7

You need to find the source but make sure if you use any kind of ammonia counter, you use something that detoxifies it not remove it. Remember, your biological filter NEEDS ammonia but it uses it as ammonium so a detoxifier converts that ammonia into ammonium while a blocker, depending on which brand you use and what it claims to do, can eliminate the ammonia which is not what you want.
I just bought API water conditioner.

You need to find the source but make sure if you use any kind of ammonia counter, you use something that detoxifies it not remove it. Remember, your biological filter NEEDS ammonia but it uses it as ammonium so a detoxifier converts that ammonia into ammonium while a blocker, depending on which brand you use and what it claims to do, can eliminate the ammonia which is not what you want.

I just bought API water conditioner and it detoxifier the Ammonia water . I hope this works. I will keep you updated.
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