Very small tank maintenance

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 13, 2013
2.5 gal "betta bow" with live plants and 3 fish (!!!!!! got petco guy's advice before I knew this site) built in filter and light, gravel, ornaments, caves, floating betta log (they love that one!!) a lot going on in that little tank but the fish are happy and get along great, betta boy named Shadow, golden Molly girl and orange Platy girl. As soon as I learned this tank was way too small for tgem I got 6.6 gal long shallow tank which is now cycling with sand substrate, ornaments, live and silk plants (some moved out of the betta bow tank) also put the filter media from betta tank to the new one. Nothing was happening for about 5-6 days then noticed brown/blackish powdery looking sediment sprinkled here and there on the bottom of the new tank. Algae? cut down lights to about 8 hrs per day but the stuff is still there and noticed like "webbing" or jelly-looking things around the branching stems of one of the plants (this too is probably algae too?). Then put couple of ghost shrimp following advice of one of the fish store (small privately own place) and seems like cycling is finally happening. I'm not in a big hurry to move the TRIO to their new home. want to be sure that tank is ready for them plus they are fine in the one they are in right now. Oh, and also got couple of pieces of driftwood which is almost ready to be put in the tanks and betta bowls (got 4 of those planted with great live plants, and Almond leaves, my bettas love those). I was having problems with the 2.5 gal bettabow at the beginning but water was crystal clear and fish did great. Then water turned cloudy and yellowish, tank walls got slimy... but this is when I noticed the water test readings at really good range. I stopped compulsively washing the filter with each PWC, it looks HORRIBLE now!!!! But the water cleared up! Would it be that BB's are doing the work now of cleaning the water? I'll do PWC today hasn't been done in 1 week (before did it like 3xwk bcs it was getting so nasty) and will test all master kit parameters. We'll see what they are. Also have to put that driftwood in and move some plants and things around. For the filter, someone told me to only rinse it in old tank water when I do PWC which is what I started doing. Questions: 1) How often do you guys put there wash/change yours (filters)? 2) when new tank is ready (6.6 gal) when I move my "Betta Trio" (betta boy, molly and platy) in there should I remove the ghost shrimp? 3) with the 3 of them the tank will be maxed out, as far as stocking, correct? Asking bcs of algae issue. 4) if no living critter able to join the Trio to take care of the algae in there, are there any other good options? It is very unsightly (dark on white sand, also settles on plant leaves, yack!)
You can trybthe shrimp some bettas will eat them otherwise they will be fine. The brown stuff is probably diatoms and in a new tank they are normal. Same goes for the little whitish clear things growing that are probably snails
I really don't like being the bearer of bad news but you really need to return the molly and platy as a 6.6 is much too small for either of them much less both and a betta. I keep my betta in a 6g alone. Molly's and Platy's are both live bearers with heavy bio-loads. They may be small now but they will grow much too large for such a small tank, especially the molly.

As Andrew stated the betta may or may not accept a shrimp as a tank mate. Betta's have individual personalities and whether or not the betta will try attacking and eating the shrimp can't be determined without trying it. You have a 50/50 chance of it working.
Thanks Guys. Turns out the "whitish-clear-webbylooking things around the stems of the plant was the decaying plant (Wisteria) not sure what happened, had decent light in that spot and fairly well established roots when I got it. Started dying from mid-stem. Took it out. The "brown powder" has slowed down, still there on plant leaves and small patches on sand around plant bases so you are probably right about the new tank deal. As for the fish... I know they are big, the Molly especially as you said. It was much smaller when I got it. The Petco guy knew exactly the size of tank I had for it and the fact that Betta was already in there. Back then I knew NOTHING about fish and assumed petstore people would tell me how to do this. They did! Sold me Molly and Platy to put in 2.5 gal with Betta. Soon after that I found this forum which is what prompted me to get the 6.6 gal for them (this is max size I can have) That was back in February. Don't think they'll accept return this late. Plus another issue... all 3 of those little fish have really cute personalities... Would have a very difficult time giving them up. Have never "rehomed" an animal. Typically once someone comes inside my house, they stay for good. I'll have to do some more research and thinking about this. Thank you again for your replies
Trust me, you can't always believe what the folks at the pet stores tell you.
Good luck.
Tell me about it! I'm very experienced 4-legged pet parent, but my fish adventure started with sting of disasters caused by lack of knowledge on my part and bad advice from people we should be able to trust. I lost 1 fish and 1 ghost shrimp and so far have been able to keep things going and getting better armed with knowledge as well as equipment and supplies needed to keep things in order.
Welcome to the club, that's the way I started too.

I finally did what I thought was best for my tank, and that seemed to work. I still ask questions from other aquarists that are more experienced then I am.

Again, good luck with your tank.
Thank you Gail. I fell into this "new hobby" by default (birthday gift in form of a pretty Betta boy) and just happened to fall in love with it. The only regret I have now is not being able to have a decent size tank like yours.

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