WalMart Rescue Betta 10 Gallon

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Apr 4, 2014
Smithfield, Va.
So, I rescued a Betta from WalMart. His tail is jacked up, but he can swim. I have him in a 10 gallon tank and plan on a DHG type aquascape. The light is a Finnex Planted Plus over glass, Aquasoil Malaya, CO2 piped into an old RedSea Reactor 500, and the filtration is a Finnex PX-360 with the cartridge removed (biomedia only). I planted one strand of DHG on Saturday and I already have 4 new shoots around the original plant. My experiment is to see how long it takes to completely cover the bottom. Any aquascaping ideas are welcome, but I do not want to completely shade out my DHG.


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I will take pictures of the DHG periodically. I am experimeting to see how fast the dirt fills in with grass. As far as the Betta, yeah, he's happy. Poor thing had fin rot and I just had to save him. I will try to provide the best home for him that I can.
You're a wonderful person for doing this; I'm sure this fish is only alive because you rescued him. I hope he recovers soon and then you'll get to see his wonderful personality when he's all mended up. Can't wait to see how you scape the tank. :)
Seriously! So awesome you rescued him from that horrid place. I saw some YouTube videos of people who go an just take charge and clean the employees look the other way, [emoji29]. With some TLC and great water quality he will heal right up!
I decided DHG by itself was boring, so I bought some plants.


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I hope it turns out OK. I planted Rotala Rotundifolia in the back central area and on the left in front of the reactor. Cyperus Helferi is in the extreme back behind the Rotala and on the sides of the tank. I planted Hygrophila Corymbosa in the back and right side basically filling in holes as a kind of focal point. In the extreme front center of the tank is Eleocharis Parvala which I hope carpets nicely. I am hoping the Rotala will turn a reddish color---that would be awesome! The plants are already rooting and it is exciting to see that! I guess the Finnex Planted Plus is driving the plant growth.

The drop checker is green and the Hygrophila is pearling.


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Thanks for the reply Barliman. I'm trying to do something that I normally do not do and that is cultivate a wide variety of plants in a tank. If this is successful, I may re-scape one of my 55s...I'm thinking ADA Aquasoil Amazonia and some really cool plants. I have the CO2, nutrients, and lights, I just gotta come up with a cool looking scape.
Hi, I'm new to this forum and don't know how to start a new thread. I recently moved my betta into a 30 Gallon planted tank. I came in Tuesday morning to find him all shredded from being stuck in the filter. I have since bought some bettafix and have covered the filter so he can no longer get stuck. However, this morning his fins seemed to have worsened and I found bits of them lying at the bottom of the tank. He is swimming fine but he only ate one pellet. Is it normal for him to lose his damaged fins to grow new ones?
Well it is good that you covered the intake on the filter. He is prolly in shock...just keep an eye on him...he might pull through. Maybe add some floating plants to the tank. My plants when mature will grow to the surface except the front.
I think he'll pull through, he has eaten another pellet and has become quite a bit more active. The only thing that is concerning me is the fact I found bits of fin on the tank floor. Apart from that and his limited appetite he is acting normal. Could he have possibly bit those bits off himself?
I think he'll pull through, he has eaten another pellet and has become quite a bit more active. The only thing that is concerning me is the fact I found bits of fin on the tank floor. Apart from that and his limited appetite he is acting normal. Could he have possibly bit those bits off himself?

I doubt he bit them off himself.
Yeah, apparently it's just dead tissue flaking off so he can start regrowing new fins. He seems to be fine now, just looking a little tatty.
On occasion they are known to bite themselves.

Since the filter got him im sure thats the issue. Generally gets torn on hardscape or finrot.
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