Walstad-tank, Plant Deterioration?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
May 29, 2011
Miami, FL
My 4 Month old dirt-planted tank has recently been showing some signs of deterioration. The tips of my Amazon Sword are beginning to fade, several of my Corkscrew val seem to be dying, and my 2 Java Ferns have turned blackish color (although new growth is clear). If its some sort of Deficiency, what can i dose my tank with?

Only possible culprits could be some Salt i added to the aquarium months ago, but i have since then done several water changes to dilute the amounts. Also i keep my Nitrates at below 5 ppm, should i let Nitrates build up for the plants to eat more?
Lighting is about 48 Watts, so 1.6 Watts per Gallon. In case other ask, beneath the Gravel Substrate i have Miracle-Gro Dirt. Additionally, i have never dosed or used root tabs.
Mine went the same way after about that amount if time. I bought one packet of flourish root tabs and it did the trick. I now use DIY osmocote root tabs and excel whenever I remember (which isn't often).
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