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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 10, 2009
I have always had my eye on getting some discus. But they are so expensive I have been afraid to get into it. I have been doing this hobby for 20 years now and have always been afraid of discus. Is there any tips tricks resources you can give me. Are they really as sensitive as they are made out to be even with local breeding etc nowadays.

I have a 120 with plants / 2inches of gravel fluval fx5 aquaclear 110. 2 X 250 watt heater. Hagen GLO 2X54W 48"


Guppys/Angels/Cory's/Danios/Mollys/Plecos/Cardinals. and a few GoldFish left from Cycling.

Thanks for your Inpit
well as long as you give them the heat and clean water they really not that hard. the problem is most people get juvy discus which need to be fed 4-5 times a day. they also require really clean water more so since your dumping food in there so often. the bigger you get the more you pay but less work to raise them. they are a wonderful fish that do great in bigger schools i bet they would love that 120.
The best thing you can do is have the tank well cycled. I keep discus in a heavily planted 75 gal and have been successful for 3 years now. Regular water changes and consistent parameters are key.
If you buy Juve's a Bare Bottom Tank will make life a lot easier (till they are grown) it takes lots of cleaning, feeding, and water changes to grow them to their full potential.

You could keep some plant's in pots in a BB Tank.

If you have the time to commit to it you will be rewarded in the end.

BTW the only tank mates you listed that I personally would keep with Discus are the Cardinal Tetra's and the Pleco as long as its a BN Pleco. Some keep Cory's with Discus but there is a bit of controversy over keeping them with Discus.

Simply Discus Forum is another great source of Information that you may find very useful.
Angels are also fine with adult discus and there are some cories that can tolerate the temps the discus need. Juvies should be at 86+ and adults at 84+.
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