Want new fish and need Advice.

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 5, 2008
Hi guys, its been a while since I posted, so ill give you a small update to what ive been up to, aquariumwise. I had to "restart" my aquarium a few months back due to sudden fish die off and a massive snail infestation. I've since reestablished the tank and my plants are looking very nice and so far no snails. now I want some new fish but all I can get in my area are the fish they sell at your pet supermarket etc....
I want to get some cichlids but Im not sure which ones,
I have a 20 gal, its planted, Co2 and not too many hiding places. I had kribbs but I dont want to have anymore because of "excessive breeding".
depending on what your wanting to do in the future you can set that tank up as a growing tank for later fish, maybe some electric yellows if you can get them, they look great, and are reasonably smart, they are also pretty friendly, so you shouldnt have a problem with maybe a bristlenose, there is a general rule not to mix a large amount of cichlids with cory, hope that helps :)
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