Want to switch to a planted tank

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Pete w

Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 9, 2013
I have a 30 gallon breeder 36L x 18W x12H I have had the tank 1 year started as just fish and fake plants. Two hob filters with two decorations on each side with air stones 1 piece of driftwood. Had no interest in plants then I went to pet smart bought some discount (because they were half dead) plants in tubes nursed them back to health two amazon swords and java fern, both are at least three times the sizes. NOW I WANT PLANTS!
Problem is original plans with no plants I just used gravel. I was thinking about using Eco complete or Seachem Flourite for a substrate. Do I need to switch out gravel or can I put these products over the gravel so I don't lose beneficial bacteria. Are air bubblers necessary with plants? I want to use low light plants for now don't want co2 yet I will probably use liquid carbon. Sorry for the run on but I wanted to provide as much info as possible and try to ask as much as could think of. If I use above. Substrate do I still need to use root tabs?



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I have a 30 gallon breeder 36L x 18W x12H I have had the tank 1 year started as just fish and fake plants. Two hob filters with two decorations on each side with air stones 1 piece of driftwood. Had no interest in plants then I went to pet smart bought some discount (because they were half dead) plants in tubes nursed them back to health two amazon swords and java fern, both are at least three times the sizes. NOW I WANT PLANTS!
Problem is original plans with no plants I just used gravel. I was thinking about using Eco complete or Seachem Flourite for a substrate. Do I need to switch out gravel or can I put these products over the gravel so I don't lose beneficial bacteria. Are air bubblers necessary with plants? I want to use low light plants for now don't want co2 yet I will probably use liquid carbon. Sorry for the run on but I wanted to provide as much info as possible and try to ask as much as could think of. If I use above. Substrate do I still need to use root tabs?


I'd change the gravel to ecocomplete. You won't be losing too much BB, trust me. I think air bubblers look bad. But if you like it, then keep it.

Liquid carbon is fine, I suggest diluting metracide 14, equal parts metracide and distilled water.
or you can just keep the gravel but you will need to put root tabs to the plants ..... i have sand substrate so i use root tabs under all my plants on top of ei dosing.
You already found a liking to planted tanks by wanting to take the plunge...trust me, it's only the tip of the iceberg and you'll most likely want to do more because it does get addicting. With that said, I suggest upgrading the substrate with eco complete. Plants root well in it and it's a pretty attractive substrate to boot. Although it does have some trace elements in it, it's not very nutrient packed...so heavy root feeding plants like swords and cypts will benefit from a root tab place under them. Other low light plants such a java fern, anubias, and mosses will benefit from dosing with a good liquid fertilizer like Flourish Comp.

I want to change gravel that is why I was worried about losing the bacteria if I take it out. When setting up tank I let kids pick out multicolored gravel and I don't think it will look good with plants.
Oh yeah...the multi colored gravel... well that can definitely need a changing then! Don't worry about the BB, most live in the filter anyway...they'll re-establish in the EC in no time.
I have Eco Complete in all my tanks and like it a lot. They also make a fine grade now that is pretty much like a large grain sand.
River Cat do you have anything on top of your Eco Complete. And just to confirm you still do you still use root tabs with Eco Complete? Do you use co2?
River Cat do you have anything on top of your Eco Complete. And just to confirm you still do you still use root tabs with Eco Complete? Do you use co2?

No I don't use anything over the Eco Complete and I do use root tabs. I have CO2 only on 2 of my tanks and the rest I just dose liquid carbon.
No I don't use anything over the Eco Complete and I do use root tabs. I have CO2 only on 2 of my tanks and the rest I just dose liquid carbon.

Indeed, you have joined the dark side. And now you know what algae looks like lol
Indeed, you have joined the dark side. And now you know what algae looks like lol

Are we really the dark side? Considering how much we talk about lighting and the money we put into it? I would really consider us the better-illuminated-but-probably-still-evil side.

Good advice so far. Substrate doesn't make as big of a difference in plant growing as many people think, but an unnatural gravel can really throw off a planted tank.
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I think I'm going use liquid carbon for now. And I guess no air-stones?
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