Wanted: Labidochromis Caeruleus "Yellow Lab"

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 25, 2003
Jacksonville, NC
I am looking for a female of at least 3" in size. She is to go with a 4" male. I am willing to buy more then one.

Open to Buying or trading.

hold on am i just mis reading this or are you looking for a yellow lab (the dog) that is 3 inches in size? that is vary small for a dog.
If you were closer, I would put you in touch with my favorite LFS. From what I know, that is a common cichlid and you should be able to find one.

did u honestly think they were talking a bout a dog

Mr. Marine :roll: :idea: :shoot:
well yes and no at first i thought you just ment ' not the " witch would have ment ft and not inches. i did not know why some one would eb looking for a dog on a fish board. so i really did not know.
If you don't get one, I have about 6 1.5 inchers. Not sure of their sexes yet and it will be a bit before they're the size you want. But if you don't find anything, you know I'm around and will always have babies available for cheap.

I live in so cal.
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