wanting to set up african cichlid tank help

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 17, 2009
Oklahoma city
just what the title said i know nothing about them other than they swim in water and are colorfull. I have a 30g is that going to be big enough and how many will that fit. what kinda set up as far as in tank decor. thanks
You'll be limited by your tank size. You can't just get the mixed Africans from the tank at the LFS. :)

Pseudotropheus saulosi are a colorful species that would be ok in a 30g (assuming its the 3ft version). I would go with 1 male and 5-6 females. Males are blue and females are yellow. You may have some trouble finding these guys. Check aquabid.com for auctions.

Another option is shell dwellers. A colony of Neolamprologus multifasciatus would work. I would start with around 7-8 and they'll breed. If you want variety, throw in a pair of Julidochromis. They might eat some Multi fry though, but they too could breed. Another shellie option is N. brevis. You could house several pair with a pair of Julidochromis.

Do some searches on these fish. Check out www.cichlidforum.com for info as well.

These fish need hard, alkaline water, high pH and depending on which ones you are talking about rockwork or shells. Sand is a good substrate...something that raises pH and alkalinity like aragonite sand is good.
I agree with all that JOM20 says, but I think if you have enough rock work for hiding spots and territories, and provide heavy filtration, you could keep a few more than that P. Saulosi ratio. Here is a 30 gallon with a nice layout and a fair amount of fish:
johnlabbe's Tank: Saulosi Social Society

I count 4 males, 11 females.
brichardi are really neat fish, they are a community breeding fish and its really neat just to watch how they all care for the fry, even the older fry protect the younger. I kept 6 in a 30g and they were very happy. One thing you will want in a cichlid tank is sand as your substrate. Brichardi in particular will dig like crazy. The main thing is rocks. They need lots of hiding spots.
brichardi are really neat fish, they are a community breeding fish and its really neat just to watch how they all care for the fry, even the older fry protect the younger. I kept 6 in a 30g and they were very happy. One thing you will want in a cichlid tank is sand as your substrate. Brichardi in particular will dig like crazy. The main thing is rocks. They need lots of hiding spots.

Yes, all cichlids (well Africans anyway) love their hidey holes... they need them to escape from aggressive tank mates and to claim their own space in the tank, etc. It really is a huge factor in keeping them happy.

And +1 on the pool filter sand, or whatever sand you choose. Just don't get small, flat grained sand. Make sure it is rounded like miniature gravel. I use a mix of pool filter sand and some tropical black sand made for salt water tanks to help buffer the ph, and to keep it from looking dirty all the time.
First of all congratulations on deciding to get some African cichlids. You can get suggestions on several setups by following the link Aquarium Quick Reference Resources - Cichlid Keeping and looking at the Cookie Cutter Setups they provide. If you are going to use sand as a substrate (especially if you are going to get shelldwellers) I suggest using Carib-Sea African Cichlid Sand. It helps buffer the water to a higher pH that rift lake cichlids enjoy. I use it in several of my tanks.
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