Wart on angelfish??

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 24, 2014
Does anybody know what this is on my angelfish? It looks like a wart and is on both sides of the fish in the same spot.ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1396436945.242590.jpg
It sounds viral or a tumour although I don't know how it can be on both sides. Does it bother him at all?.
Yea he doesnt eat hardly at all and he just sorta sits on the bottom most of the time.
Water parameters are like 0-0-10 at about 82 degrees. Its a 55 thats been running for almost four months
I added a german blue ram last week but its been acting up for almost two weeks.
Well it popped up over like 2 days but it was acting strange for almost a week before.
I did some research and the only thing i could find was maybe lymphocystis and thats viral.
Try shooting this guy an email with pictures:
You can try calling and asking for his lab assistant, informing him of the email and your gratefulness for any help. This professor has done research on certain types of viral tumors in fish

I read further down on his bio and there might be a consultation charge???

(Copied text)
Diagnostic Investigations. Our laboratory operates the Fish Disease Diagnostic Laboratory, a service laboratory providing disease diagnostic assistance to the aquaculture community, research community and fish hobbyist in New York State. We also assist the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation in investigations of fish kills in wild fish populations in the state. Many times these diagnostic investigations lead to more in-depth research investigations in fish health issues. Our diagnostic efforts have led to an major effort to understand the implications of the emergence of Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia Virus Genotype IVb (VHSV IVb) in a variety of fish in the Great Lakes Basin. This effort has been undertaken in collaboration with the Laboratory of Dr. James Casey as well as a number of collaborators including the USDA APHIS, the USGS Western Fisheries Research Center, Seattle, WA, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and the Department of Natural Resources in the College of Agriculture and Life Scineces at Cornell.
Another member (captain critical) used melafix for her angelfish that had a similar white bump and it seemed to help, she also keeps her water silly clean..
Ok im doing water changes every other day so hopefully he starts getting better
That's exactly what it looks like to me. Unfortunately there really isn't a cure since it's a virus. I've had fish pull through by keeping the water pristine with daily water changes.

After further searching, It looked like these can grow slowly like a wart or more quickly like a cold sore. Would that make sense? I'm still just a little bemused on 2 days for it to get to this size.
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