Water clouding up

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 29, 2004
Traverse City, MI
i dont know if this has been posted before..and if it has im sorry..im sorta new to the hobbie..im getting back into it from before..i set my tank up 3-4 days ago..i put zebra danios in it to speed up the cycling..and its really cloudy..i have an eclipse 3 tank and all cleaned gravel and everything..my KH-GH is up there..192ppm?..well..i just need help..lol
I read a book once. lol just once. It was a book on aquaria. It said water cloudiness was normal in the first week of set up. I just set my tank up and let it run for a week before anything went into it. Everything sleared up and all is well. I don't know the science behind the cloudy water deal but I guess it's normal. Not much help probally, but thats what i know. good luck
37 gallon eclipse, have 6 danios in there, 1 4-5 inch pleco, 1 redtaild shark, and my mom forces me to put 3 goldfish in there..anyway to euphonise goldfish? ^_^
Humm you could have new tank syndrome, it is common and if it does happen it will begin anywhere from a few days to a week. Could be from an ammonia spike, from adding to many fish at once. Shouldn't be algae bloom because you haven had the tank up for that long.

Here is what I have done when I have had the same problems with cloudiness, turn the light off don't feed the fish for a few days and cover your tank with a towel so no light can get in. It has worked for me more than once.

If you have a whisper filter or one like it. When you change you filter don't throw the used one away. Empty the carbon out and set the old filter behind the new one. that way your biologicals with go to the new one and your tank wont have to replenish itself. I found that is where a lot of my ammonia and other level spikes were coming from.

What is your Ammonia, pH, Nitrite, Nitrate levels?

Do you have Live Plants?

Have you done a water change? When you do your water changes are you adding water conditioner? freshwater aquarium salt? Most fish even fresh water fish need salt in the tank. It makes them a little happier. :lol:

Watch your Pleco since the tank hasn't been up for long if there isn't any algae for him to eat, he will start eating flake and when they do that it is hard to get them to do there job when there is algae in there. I learned that one from experience. I have one that is like that and he is worthless. Algae wafers might be a good idea. But be careful you don't want to put to much in the tank or you might get an algae bloom and that will make your tank cloudy but with a greenish color to it.

Red Tailed Sharks are known to be territorial and they will chase anyone that goes in to that territory so make sure there are some homes set up in the tank. Mine loves tubes. that I bury under the gravel.

I have live plants in my tank and it took a while for the levels to go down but after a few months of battling and water changes almost daily my tanks are fine. I had these fizz tablets for plants and every time I put them in my tank would get cloudy and stay that way for about a week. even with water changes.

Most of what I know I have learned from experience and I hope that some of this helps. :mrgreen:

What is your Ammonia, PH, Nitrite, Nitrate levels?
my levels are normal, with the KH and GH alittle high..192ppm or something..no plants, the cloudiness is whitish greenish..its not in direct sunlight..i feed my pleco algea disks, and my shark made a home..uhhm..i unno..all my levels are normal with the exception to my GH-KH..and no live plants, and everythings fine, i feed em right..so i should turn off my lights, stop feeding and put a towel around my tank for a couple of days?..oh and i did a 1/4 water change with conditioners (sorry my mynd is lost and im scrolling the reply alot..haha
BMX, almost all new tanks cloud up and you are likley suffereing from New TAnk Suyndrome. You have a 37 gallon with 6 danios and 3 goldfish. That could be your problem. With an uncycled tank, there is no bacteria in there to break down you fishies waste. It is likely staying in the water, and your levels (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate) are going to rise. In my opinion, keep a check on the water parameters and let it ride out. From what I understand, it should disappear sooner or later. And no, don't stop feeding and put a towel around your tank, that is mainly for algal bloom problems, not your type of cloudiness. I suggest you read the AA article on the Nitrogen Cycle if you don't know about it already. Do a search here for cloudy water posts and see what others wrote, there have been a number of them.

And to euthanize... Only if all possibilities have been exhausted. See if a lfs will take the fish. Have a neighbor or someone with a tank? Maybe someone with an outdoor pond? There are ways to euthanize a fish, yes.... but why don't you see if you can get rid of them first? HTH
yea..ive had a coupla tanks b4 but they were never this cloudy..and..i was joking about the goldfish massicre..thnx for the advice..and yea i thought the towel thing was kinda off a bit..but yea..i know about the nitrogen cycle, and everything, and the only reason i put the fish in early is because of my mom..and because i thought it would cycle faster..thnx..ill prob b postign again soon..haha
your welcome, and glad to hear that you were just kidding, that's a relief... :)

And feel free to post as many times as needed, nobody here minds answering your questions.
Cloudiness in new tank is prob from heterotrophic bacteria - that's because you don't have the "normal" bacteria established yet. It will go away once the tank cycled.

In the meantime I would start changing out the water - 25% to 50% is prob what you need for the amount of fish you have in there - but check your NH3 & NO2 levels & let that guide you. Decreasing the nitrogenous waste level will help with the bacterial bloom, and also to keep the fishies from getting too stressed. (The flip side is that this will slow down the cycling process a bit.)
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