water test kit suggestions

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 15, 2004
Quebec, Canada
I was at petsmart today and i was looking at the test kits, since i think its about time i get my own. my question is, which would you suggest works the best? i saw so many different kinds, ones just for nitrate, one just for nitrite, one for ammonia, one for ph.... and one where its "5 in one" testing nitrite, nitrate, ph, hardness, and alkalinity. i would have bought that one, but it doesnt say it tests ammonia? im confused lol so can someone please suggest which one is best to get?
I use Aquarium Pharm. "Freshwater Master Test Kit" It seems as a lot of people like that one. I also like it a lot.
Next test kit I buy will either be the Hagen Mini Master Test or Complete Master test kit. The Mini has all the basics except Nitrate. Then I'd get a seperate kit for that. But if I had plants in the tank and wanted more information I'd get the much more expensive Complete kit.

I have the Aquarium Pharm. "Freshwater Master Test Kit". It works for me, but I am never satisfied. 8O
The Hagen master test kit is what I use and it's great.
It tests for everything and it's all in one hard plastic case.
The liquid test kits are the most accurate and therefore are the best. However, I find the strips that you dip in the water are good at times when you may otherwise not bother checking the water. I use the 5 in 1 tests that cover PH, Nitrate, Nitrite, Water Hardness and Alkalinity. They're good for a before and after check when I change the water.

Don't bother with the Ammonia dip test though, its more hassel than the regular test. Choose the 2 bottle ammonia test. It's easier than the three bottle test and it works if you have Chloramine in your water.

Also, make sure that the PH test kit you get covers the range that your water is in. If its high (like 8) then you will need a kit that covers the high range.
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