Water tests

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 23, 2014
I need info mostly about kh and gh. Is 8.0 PH good? And if ammonia nitrite and nitrates aren't showing is that good?
We need more info to give an opinion. Are you cycling a tank? Fish in or fish less. At what stage are you at?
Zero ammonia, nitrite & nitrate either means a brand new tank with no fish or an inadequate or out if date test kit. Don't use test strips, they are next to useless, use a liquid test kit like the API test master and purchase the extra Gh and Kh kit. These will tell you everything you need to know about your tank. Temp will be needed as well.
Give us more to work on and we can probably offer some useful info.
Cheers. Steve.
It's new and I have water ammonia test kit but have everything else water test strips. So to start the cycle off can I add a danio?
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