Wavemaker question

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 6, 2004
Chicago, IL
I recently bought a Wavemaster Pro and 4 Maxijet 1200's to create a wave affect in my 75 gallon tank. The current seems really strong, even on the lowest setting (my three Damsels seem to have a hard time swimming against the current and just hide in the rocks). Are the powerheads to strong for a 75 gallon tank?

Any suggestions?
That is around 1200 gph which is around 16x tank volume per hour. That is towards the upper end but your fish should get used to it and it will benefit your tank.
I have a 40 gallon tall with 3 Maxijets 1200's and a Mag drive 7 return pump that pumps from my sump into my tank. All in all, my tank turnover is greater than 30X times an hour.

In other words, you should be fine.

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