We got our dwarf/pygmy catfish today :D

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 6, 2014
Eastern USA
Today is the day we got our catfishes! Originally we just went in to get a 5g tank... but, we wanted to see what kind of dwarf catfish they had/if any so we could go back tomorrow or in the next couple days, and, they had just gotten them in today, so we figured let's get them today since they just got there!

We bought 5 of them, we may go back for another 1-2 of them. Would 7 be ok in a 10g tank with a betta? Or would 6 be better? My other half thinks it would be weird to go back for just one more lol but I think it would be fine.

They are about a half inch long, so tiny. They are labeled c. habrosus, although they may be c. pygmaeus, it is really hard to tell since they are so small and FAST. I think they are habrosus, but, some pics online indicate maybe pygmaeus. Frustrating lol!

They are currently in a 5g tank (temporarily, don't worry!). Originally we were going to put them in the newly cycled 10g and put the betta in the 5, but, I knew they were tiny, didn't realize HOW tiny! We can keep a better eye on them in the 5g.
We figure a 50-75% water change every 3 days. Does that sound good?

We have no cover though, so at the moment the tank is covered in saran-wrap. (Yeah, I know. But we had to do something in case they jump up). The guy working there sold us some food he had, since he didn't have any on the shelf. We may get something different in the future, but for now we have food for them as well.

We had a heck of a time getting them out of the bag... we tried to net them first, no joy. So we decided to dump them in the pitcher we use for water changes... well they briefly were sort of vacuum sealed into the bag. I was so worried about them and scared! Especially for the one in the bottom corner. Then we put the bag in the tank and they all got out and they are fine now.

They're so cute! Now we are responsible for 6 little lives, and we were responsible for just 1 before. I love them already. I just wish I could tell them apart, I want to name them all! :) I hope they're a little more active tonight when I get home from work. Four of them were hanging out in pairs, one was zipping around the tank. They had a hard day. Got delivered, we took them home, they had to come out of their bag, etc...

They have a filter & heater, and a small purple silk plant and that's it. We may put sand in there with them, we may just leave it bare. I dunno. We thought maybe just 2 weeks quarantine but I hear 4 is best. So far they seem nice and healthy....
Depends on your betta. If he's laid back then I don't see an issue with 6 (provided there's escape routes in case of grouch attacks). I would definitely add some kind of substrate to your quarantine tank. Makes life easier.

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They are so fast I don't think he could catch them. We definitely wanted to get a sunk log for them though. There's quite a bit of betta-safe artificial plants in the tank. And a lot of sand.

Life easier for the fishies you mean?

I can see him maybe trying to chase them but it's hard to know until we put them all together. He may just leave them alone. He loves to chase little bits of some old food leftover from cycling when we turn on the bubbler, though, lol!
Sand definitely makes life easier for the fishies and you. Holds decor and bacteria in place. And it's soft to lie on for tired fish :)

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:) They'll be in there only 2-4 weeks, then they'll go into the very sandy 10g tank. Does that make a difference since it's a short period of time? Maybe we'll get one little bag of sand. That's what we were kind of thinking anyway. This tank isn't cycled so I think changing the water 50%+ every three days is good. What do you think about that?

They were resting on the sealant of the tank after we got them in there... poor guys. They had a hard hard day! Moved around a lot, stuck in the bag, ack!
I would get some extra sand for their temporary tank. Poor little things need some cushion under their fins and barbs! And that should be more than enough as to water changes. Do you have a test kit to keep an eye on the water conditions? That should give you a better idea of what the water is doing.

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ok thanks! :) Yes I have ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph test kits, API. Probably ammonia test is all that is needed for testing the tank though since the water will be changed so often.

Would it be okay to maybe take some sand out of our cycled 10g? We'll get a new bag too, but I don't want to buy too much since since it is for the temporary home & we have a bit too much in the 10g anyway.
API is a great brand. I had oto cats and they loved API's algae wafers. And you can keep the 5 gallon as a hospital tank in case of sick fish!

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Well we were going to hang onto it just in case our betta doesn't get along with them and we had to move him... (hoping that doesn't' happen!) and if they all get along, my mother in law was going to get a betta, but it is a good idea to have a hospital tank. We have a small 2g but that's not really good for these little fish. I called 3 places today and only the place we got the fish at had a 5g tank! Since it is custom they said it costs more than a 10! It was $25 and a 10 (with nothing that comes with it) was $15. Oh well. I don't really want to buy another 5g "just in case" but we kind of already had plans for this 5g. Ehh.
10 gallons is even better as a hospital. But since you're already quarantineing you can wait a little while before getting a hospital. Before your wallet goes to the hospital LOL!

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Yeah I know. Problem is we have very very little space. The 10g we have now is on an old TV stand that can support it between our computer desk & tv area. The 5g is in a wide, sturdy windowsill (don't worry, it's not in direct sunlight or drafty :) ). There's seriously not really anywhere else to put another tank. Without spending a lot of $$ on a stand but then there is the problem of where to put the blasted thing lol!

Yeah exactly! We have spent a lot of $$ on fish stuff, a lot more than if I would have bought the hamster that I was originally going to get LOL. I love hamsters, but, then we ended up with a betta fish after a trip to PetCo, so here we are... :) I love him though and I like these new fish too!
I hear you lol! It's a minor miracle I got my 5 gallon in here. I have to keep reminding myself that neither my wallet nor my apartment has the space for a 120 gallon haha but I'm happy my local Petsmart has lots of healthy and handsome bettas in stock :D

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:) Yeah! Not much space sucks!

I got our betta when he had just come in that day. Nice and healthy. I hate hate hate that his ammonia got a little too high -- twice -- and a lot of his tail has fallen off and stuff. We treated him twice with salt and he seems fine now. I don't think it is getting worse. From what I understand, it can take a while to heal, if at all. He had a beautiful perfect tail. Oh well... he seems happy and his personality and perkiness never changed, so that is good.

PetCo does have a lot of bettas! I think too many, though. I hate seeing them all on shelves, in tiny cups, they better change the water daily!!!!! I fell in love with this blue plakat one day... he was FAST in his little cup. I wanted him too but, I can't have every fish I fall in love with I guess. ::Sigh:: I still think about him and I saw him two months ago.
Yeah. My last betta was a lovely double halfmoon. He never got his tail fully back but he was his usual viking warrior fish self so it didn't matter. He died of cancer :'( still miss him.

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AWwwwww :)

I'm sorry for your loss :( I would be really upset if we lost our betta before his time. When it is his time, which I don't want to think about, I'll be really sad. I am very attached to him.

How did you know it was cancer?
He had a lump at the base of his spine that just kept getting bigger and bigger. Aside from that he was healthy. Then he just started wasting away before I had to euthanize him. Sadder yet he was barely a year old

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I am seriously thinking that these catfish are c. pygmaeus and not c. habrosus. Oh well, time will tell, but, based on pictures online, I think that's what they are. They're labeled as c. habrosus in the store. Oh well, they are still pygmy catfish so it doesn't matter to me. Someone else might be upset though. We were just going to get whatever dwarf kind of catfish they had anyway, not being picky about the species.
I'm so sorry for your loss :( That's terrible.

We lost our dear cat a few months ago. We did everything we could for him, but he told us when he was ready. It was a horrible thing to have to take him in and not come back with him, but, that's the last act of kindness and respect you can have for a loved animal companion.

We'd gotten our betta the night before our cat told us it was his time, and let me tell you, our betta really helped me through it. :) I'm glad that we got him when we did.
Just beware of differing species requirements! And thank you. Surtur (my last betta) always knew how to cheer me up. He's in the great fish tank of Valhalla now. Probably challenging Odin to a duel and Thor to a drinking contest lol. He didn't quite realize he was a fish lol

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The three species of dwarf catfish seem to need very similar conditions, so I am not too worried about it. I will do a little more research, though.

You're welcome :) Awww lol :)

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