what a horrible day =(

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So far, i woke up to find my pregnant, favorite molly, hermoine, dead. She had almost no symptoms.

Then 8 danios died during a water change in that same tank. Just went from merrily swimming along to upside down. BOOM, all at once. Everyone else in the tank is just hunky dory. Water params are fine, tap tests the same as normal. I added prime as usual.

Now Big Boi, my favorite paradise fish, is looking like my molly did before she died, lethargic, but no other symptoms. I am moving him into the hospital tank now, and praying he makes it. goona treat with melafix, pimafix and maracyn plus, because he has no definable symptoms. not a spot or a speck. no pop eye, no bloat, nothing. just acting half dead.

EDIT: And he is from a different tank altogether, and has never been exposed to the danios or the molly that died.
I know the feeling...I'm a 250 pound man who works in a parts and repair center...And I allmost cried when that happened to me....

9 guppies (beautiful ones)
6 neon tetras

all at once....

soo sooo sad...depressing...

But nothing you can do but move on and try to do better next time...


Thus being said...I remember now that my guppies were also pregnant, and all my fish died after a water change...I wonder if something happens to the water during pregnancy that when you take it out through a water change, the fish don't like it...

Deepest sympathies FishyPeanut. :cry: It always stinks, it never seems to get easier, and we always wonder just what we may have done. Then we grieve for a time, hopefully we move on, maybe learn something, and cherish what we have.

Good luck and Take Care!!!!!!
I am having a similar thing happen. I came home from sudbury, found a guppy in one tank half dead, had to euthenize him. One of my koi jumped out of my pond, and four of my danios, one mountain minnow, a dojo loach, and a female betta all were dead. The danios, minnows, loach, and betta were in a tank, then the guppy was in another, and the koi in my pond. It all seems to happen at the same time. And i think the reason my minnows and danios dies was because of the dead dojo and betta which were badly decomposed. Nitrite went WAY up. Doing water changes to bring it down.

Anyway Willow, i hope your luck gets better, and i am sorry to hear about your loss.

Best of luck!
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