What are some good low light plants for background?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 14, 2005
My tank is 26 gallons bow front and has a planted background. My swords, corkscrew looking things, and Anacharis seem to die at the bottom. I have a nice light the LFS sold me I think 55 watt? Rotala Magenta does really well back there but I already have a lot of that. Any suggestions for good background plants that are low light? Or how I can better keep these alive? Thanks.
You have about 2.1wpg, which is medium light. Do you have more blueish or yellowish/white light. The blue light is called actinic and only works for saltwater tank. I'm sure though your lfs gave you the correct lamp.

How do the dying plants look like? Are they getting yellow, do they have holes in their leaves or so?

Your light should be enough for most swords, the corkscrew vallisneria and the anacharis.
Here is a link to a page with more low-medium light plants. Just look how big they get and which of them you like:

Also your plants might need some fertilizer and CO2. You can get a CO2 kit cheap from nutrafin or set up a DIY kit for the start and then save up for a pressurised system later if you want to.

Are you currently dosing any nutrients? Do you have any nutrients in the gravel?
The light is white.

The only thing I add is Flourish pellets under the gravel.

The plants die at the bottom, the leaves get yellow and see thru and break off or the plant comes out because it is so weak at the bottom. The tops always look okay but the bottom dies.
What substrate do you have? When I used to have gravel it would pinch the stems of the plants and kill them a lot.
Hornwort would probably thrive in the lighting. It looks pretty good if you keep it well trimmed. I have some in my tank. My anacharis die off at that bottom too but i don't expect them to grow to well in the lighting i have set up. Check out the plant form those guys will help you out a lot more, plus there are tons of good articles.
Anubias Coffefolia, Caladiifolia or heterophylla. All of which will get to be about 25cm high (almost 12"). Low light and won't require you to keep trimming it every 3 days (also they flower which is nice)
Cabomba--- found some of that stuff at my LFS and it grows like a charm. I have 15 watts in my 10 gallon and i only have 30 watts of light in my 55 gallon and it grows great in both tanks. Its pretty too.. it gets kinda pink at the top.
Thanks to everyone for the advice, sorry I just realized this was in the wrong forum. I will check the LFS this weekend!!.
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