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Aquarium Advice Regular
Feb 25, 2011
Jacksonville Nc
i bought a piece of Lr from my LFS and it had these white polyps or palys or zoas not sure what they are anyone have any idea plz let me know they are really growing great!


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they start out bright white but when they get larger they are colored like a pearl they are light pink and light blue and yellow with a faint green mouth

are they rare or common??
yeah they are starting to look really good at first i didnt think much about them but the bigger they are getting the better they are looking.
Just make sure they're getting some light, the one on the bottom of the rock looks pretty bleached. They obviously don't a lot of light, but you get the idea
it just formed and is starting to grow they start out that bright white and they the larger they get the more pearl colors they become
I agree, it's hard to tell if they are rare or not considering there are tons of species. Still, if you like the way they look, they are rare to you. ;)
what kind of light do you have them under? they should regain color soon. right now they are bleached, probably due to insufficient light.
They are not bleached that's the color they are. They are a light pink pearl color they start out completely bite then turn the pearl color when they get bigger.
i'm pretty sure they will gain more color with better lighting. not too many "pearl" colored zoas out there.
oh so thats what those are i have a couple that rode in on the lr
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