What are these tiny snails?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 11, 2021
Hi! I got some live plants a while ago but just today I noticed some snails and something else at the bottom of the tank. (Previous to seeing these I only own one Gold Inca Snail). Anyways today I saw some clear and very small snails in the tank. The biggest one I saw had a curved shell I believe. At the bottom of the tank I saw some brown dots moving around and there seemed to be quite a lot. Does anyone know what these are and how I can get rid of them and also prevent them? I also have guppies in the tank. Would it be best to just restart the whole tank?
That’s okay. I can move my gold Inca to another tank. Will the assassin snail eat the eggs too or no?
Snails often hitch a ride (in the form of eggs I believe) on plants. If of the type I suspect they're really not a problem as they eat algae from the glass and as they get older you just pluck them and crush them between your fingers as a live (will totally fresh) food. Guppies like most fish LOVE to eat them this way. Those and chopped earthworms were highly suggested as excellent, cheap and super easy-to-find live food treats in old aquarium books.
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