what can go with dwarf gouramis?

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Aquarium Advice Obsessed
Jul 17, 2011
Sunny Queensland, Australia
I am currently cylcing my 270L (about 70g) tank and when I'm done I am planning on getting some dwarf gouramis. How many should I get? Can I get some kissing gouramis too? What other fish do you think would go well with them? I already have a tank with guppies so I don't want anything like guppies or platties or swords. Not a huge fan of tetras (don't know why). What are some interesting bottom dwellers? I've got half live plants half plastic and some driftwood.

Any advice/suggestions would be great!
Okay well...
Dwarf gouramis do better with just one. That said I have kept two males and then a trio of two females to one male and they all got along together swimmingly. Kissing gouramis get big (twelve inches long!) so getting them would be maxing out your seventy gallon tank probably. Smaller fish that work well with DGs are cherry or mildly tempered barbs, rasboras, rainbowfish, cory cats, khuli loaches, and many other of numerous options you have there.
a rainbow shark is a great bottom feeder,they get to about 6 inches,but you could only keep one:(
banjo catfish look awesome, but they like to hide during the day. cories are amazing little guys who are active and personable.
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