What can i get with a pleco?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Sep 9, 2011
So I am dying for a pleco! I have a 29g tank so what else shall I get? I love personality!
Also, algae scraper or magnet cleaner?
Thanks :)
What kind of Pleco? Some are very large, like Commons, and wouldn't fit in a 29. You could probably do a bristlenose pleco; not sure of other smaller varieties like that, though, maybe someone else can chime in. Here's a guide of the types of Plecos and the tank sizes they need: A guide for purchasing plecos (and other loricariids)

You could probably do a school of tetras or something. I think the Pleco might take up a good third or more of your tank's bioload and room though, so you might not have much room for many other fish in there. Again, not sure, maybe some others will chime in. :D

I haven't had an issue with algae yet so I don't have a magnet scraper or algae scraper.
I like my magnet cleaner..

Yes it does depend on the pleco. i would stick to a Clown Pleco if you want something cool looking. There are other more expensive (though cool) plecs..but that is not your question..

I would have a school of cardinal or neon tetras or any schooling fish that attatracts you. Personally I love my sailfin pleco and my school of bloodfin tetras

Good luck!
Gboy66 said:
I think thatd be the common pleco. I think ya should get a bristlenose pleco!

Agreed. They're cooler looking and will fit more comfortably in your tank.
phoebekatee said:
Aw ok :) are they cheap and do they suck the glass? I find that adorable!

Lol hahah ya :D id say five bucks? And youll never see algea again :p
phoebekatee said:
Omg YAY xD I am forever happy now! And got an opinion on sliding lids?

Haha hopefully they arent more where you live though! And i posted on your other thread.
Nah thayre usually on the glass or decor. You could get decor that is covering but you can see into it, if you really want..:D

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