what can i put in my 10 gallon?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 5, 2005
winchester, ky
ive got a 10 gal. with a gold gourami, who is about 4 inches long, and a fiddler crab. what small fish could i put in with the gourami? one that he wouldnt harrass?
That one 4" gold gourami that isn't yet full grown in a 10 gallon tank would probably beat up anything that goes in there...or at least try. That tank is way too small for that fish. How about trading the fish in for smaller fish that wouldn't out grow the tank?
Not only full, but that clown loach will end up taking up most of the bottom of that tank when it grows up. Have you thought of swapping fish between the two tanks? Maybe put the gourami in the 30 aand put the smaller tetras in the ten. Silver hatchets should be safe from the gourami being they are already in there. I'd advise not to get another gourami though. Just a thought.
Not a bad suggestion from the gourami's point of view, but isn't there a danger that the crab would go after the small tetras?
:| i don't know what to tell you... i mean i would definitely put that gourami in the 30 gallon but does your fiddler crab have land and water??? you may want to scratch the crab altogether or create a land/water type setup.
I don't even know if Dwarf Gourami get too big for a 10 gal. Even they seem big compared to Tetras and Livebearers, etc.
If a fiddler crab can grab hold of a tetra then that tetra was probably weak to begin with and should be taken out of the population anyway. That's what's good about little scavengers like that. They keep the bulk of thepopulation healthy by taking down the weak sick and dying. That huge claw on the males is too big and they're quite clumsy in cathching things with them. Those claws are for communication with other males. But, it could go into the 30 as well. That is a choice.
Yes, but tetras do sleep, and they are easy prey while just sitting on the bottom of the tank sleeping.
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