What do you feed your chiclids?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 26, 2008
I am planning on getting (hopefully) a breeding pair for my son's tank when its done cycling, but i was wondering, what do you feed them? i saw chiclid food at the petstore, guy told me is was like little pellets, and you upgrade the sizes based on the size of the fish, but i ve also read frozen bloodworms are good for them. i dont know what to do, but i wanna make sure i get the right stuff. i wanna get the blue ones with the black stripes, i think those are kenyi?
It depends on what type of Cichlids you are talking about. The kind you are looking at sound like Mbuna and they need alot of vegetable matter in their diet so a staple of spirulina algae or some type of veggie flake or pellets would be best.

Those Cichlids don't form pairs so don't get 2 and assume they'll be fine. They need groups to distribute aggression and keeping them in groups of 4 females to 1 male is recommended. Males are polygamous.

Make sure you have a large enough tank as well. Kenyis and other Mbuna need 55g or larger because of their aggression.
I agree with Kristin. Kenyi are very aggressive Cichlids and require plenty of swimming space. I have a male Kenyi adult in our 150 (with roughly 8 females) and he rivals the 7" Nimbo. The Nimbo is probably twice his size but still gets pushed around by the Kenyi. In fact, we are considering selling the male Kenyi to a lfs just to cut down on aggression. They breed like crazy so be prepared for that.

In regards to feeding, I feed New Life Spectrum Cichlid Pellets as the only manufactured food. In addition I feed peas and zuccini.
No. For the zuc I slice it in half lengthwise then score the white surface with a knife so it's easier for them to get ahold of. For the peas I put them in a little water in the microwave and heat until warm. Take them out and peal off the outer skin. Only feed the inner pea after it has cooled.
BTW, the microwaving is for frozen peas. If you use canned you probably can get away with not having to microwave.
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