What do you love most about Bettas?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 20, 2014
As the title says,What do you love most about Bettas?Their personality,colour whatever you like about them just please answer in this format:

Do you own a Betta:
What's your betta(s) names:
What tail type is the betta(s):
What do you love most about Bettas:

I hope I'm not asking too much of you to answer all this it's just that I like to see what bettas people have and why do they like bettas.I just find it very interesting.


14G Freshwater- Guppies,Platies in the future will be planted
5G Freshwater- Future Betta and in the future will be planted
Do you own a Betta: yes, two

What's your betta(s) names: Poe and Hawthorne

What tail type is the betta(s): both are half moons

What do you love most about Bettas: Poe is in a community tank and is very active and swims happily with his tank members. He never is aggressive to them. He is also very pretty with a white body and blue and pink tail. Hawthorne is very sweet. He has dwarf frogs in his tank and is so curious about them. He reminds me of a puppy. When I walk to the front of the tank he is so quick to swim to the front of it. Even when my dog (160 lbs English mastiff) presses her nose to the glass he gets excited. He was cellophane/white when I got him, but he is now marbling. It looks like he's moving towards purple, but we will see in time.

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Thanks for the reply I love your two bettas.I owned 3 but they all died die to me forgetting to vacuum the gravel in ages and they died if massive nitrate spikes.But I may get a crowntail betta and a load of plants for him in the future.

14G Freshwater- Guppies,Platies in the future will be planted
5G Freshwater- Future Betta and in the future will be planted
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