What do your Harlequin Rasboras enjoy eating?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 9, 2004
Toronto, Canada
I just picked up 6 Harlequin Rasboras recently. The lfs employee suggested TetraMin Tropical Crisps for food. One thing I noticed while feeding them this brand is that they are too hard/cripsy for the Rasboras to eat initially as it floats. As the nip at is they cannot bite out a chunk and the flake slowly sinks to the bottom usually without being eaten because the water has absorbed into the flake to soften it. However, if the flake soaks for a little while then sinks the Rasboras have no problem eating them.

They may also be picky about which flake they prefer eating as there are different coloured flakes.

My question is what brand do your Harlequin Rasbora's enjoy eating? What about freeze dried food?
Mine get a varied diet of Tetramin Staple flakes, Earthworm flakes, Frozen brine shrimp, and occasionally live black worms. They're good eaters and seem to enjoy everything.
What brand of frozen brine shrimp do you use? Some of the brands of freeze dried shrimp I see look a bit too big for the Harlequins mouths. Do you break them into smaller edible chunks?

Do they like boodworms?
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