What does my betta need?

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maestromad said:
I found one in my garden centre for 43p! My betta has had a look in it but my chilli rasboras seem to like it most. I'm think of getting some smaller ones to make a type of feature of them and put plenty of plants round them?
They look really nice kind of hidden in some anubias(sp) leaves....or some other low growing leafy thing :) that also might get your betta more interested too...mine seems to like swimming (and hiding)around and thru the plants lol
Ok so mr betta has decided to hang out on top of the filter! Is this normal? Also is 27 degrees ok for him?
Ok so mr betta has decided to hang out on top of the filter! Is this normal? Also is 27 degrees ok for him?

When did you put him in? Is he alone or with other fish? He might just be getting used to things. Do a water check just to make sure. Also they don't like a lot of water movement/current so if the water is moving a lot or the filter has a lot of pull that might be why too. I've read varying degree requirements for Bettas, 80 might be ok, I had mine at 80 initially and then took dropped it down to 78.
He with rasboras tiny ones and I do daily pwc as the moment I did use some seeded media but my nitrates are little high. He doesn't seem sick or anything but I also haven't seen him eat hopefully the betta food I ordered will come today with the extra plants
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