What filtration for very small tank?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 14, 2005
SE England
I am setting up a very small (approx. 11 UK litres) aquarium to keep some goldfish. Can anybody advise me on the best type of filtration system? If so can anyone recommend some specific products? I have had larger tropical aquariums in the past and so I know a bit about filtration. However I have no experience with small tanks. Apart from when I was a child and I'm sure we didn't have any filtration at all!

Thank You
1. Not even a small goldfish should go in an 11L tank....the need about 35L per goldfish to be healthy.

2. A small undergravel or sponge filter would work on an 11L tank.

3. Might I suggest 3-5 white cloud minnows or a betta instead?
thank you. i'll have a look at those fish. i bought this aquarium as part of a complete set marketed for gold fish. can you recommend any undergravel filters?

UGFs are all pretty similar, a hard plastic plate that goes under the gravel and is powered by an airstone (attached by tubing to a small airpump) that sits in the lift-tube and creates upward current.

Is your tank rectangular are circular?
I've got a Hagen Elite 2. Its rectangular but the front is slightly rounded. With the tank I got a sponge filter but the first 2 fish that I got were sucked into it! It was only set to the first notch on the flow control. I came in to see one of my fish dead with its fins all shredded, when I was trying to remove it the other fish got sucked onto it. I couldn't believe my eyes. The fish had been in that setup for a few weeks with no trouble. Anyway this is why I'm interested in undergravel as I don't trust the sponge filters in such a small tank.
I'm sorry about your fish, wallacej :cry:

I have sponge filters in small tanks. I use a gang valve to regulate the airflow coming from the airpump, so the flow from the sponge filter isn't so strong. There's a picture in my gallery of my airpump and gang valve setup. Maybe that could work in your tank.
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