What fish can redtail sharks live with?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 4, 2013
I am about to buy a 55 gallon tank and I really want to get a redtail shark. I've done a lot of research on this specific fish and I know all of the requirements. I was wondering what kind if fish could live peacefully with this kind of shark? I am hoping to get some more large fish to fill up the tank but if it can only live with small schools of fish then that would be fine. Also any more advice for these kinds of fish would be greatly appreciated! Thank you all in advance!
Well redtail sharks are semi aggressive fish. So I've read, I have one in my tank and she is one of the nicest fish I own. She had her moments when she chases another fish around but it usually lasts for a brief second. I've had her with all sorta of fish. As for fish to fill your tank I'd say stick to tetras if you can. I've kept her with barbs and they would all gang up on her. But if you have enough room in your tank and hiding spots you could try them.
I have mine with angelfish African leaf fish and African featherfin cat and a sailfin pleco and my shark doesn't even waste his time with them haha the fish is only aggressive if its in a tank with similar shape fish suck as another shark. But if you have plenty of hiding places you'll be fine
I've had two redtail sharks in the past and have kept them in various community tanks. I too have had very good results with them not being too aggressive on the whole. Mostly, mine have been quite shy and kept out of others way!
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