What i should have for my tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 4, 2005
Hamilton ontario
I was just wondering this, what testing kits, chemicals and stuff i might not even know about should i have for my tank. Right now i have cycle, and some decloreneizer stuff, and a ph testing kit. I have nothing else, i have had the tank for about 2 months, and nothing has gone wrong so far (aside from a case of ick) but something might in the future and i would be unprepared. I have heard people talking about ammonia testing kits? whats that :?
the only chemicals i use for my tanks are melafix and sometimes amquel incase the ammonia suddenly goes up for whatever reason.

most chemicals on the market do close to nothing and just make your tank crappy,.....i only use the products really that experts and stuff recommend.
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