What is going on!!!

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No the temperature has been steady - hovers between 28-30

Now I'm really confused - just came in to start wc - and the have all (bar 2) started swimming and acting normal again... I'm absolutely stumped. I'm so not touching the water right now lol!!
I would really like to thank you guys for your advice - I'd have given up by now!

Don't give up. As fish keepers, we have to accept that sometimes, no matter how well we are following the rules and maintaining our tanks as best we can based on many years of experience handed to us by other fish keepers, scientists etc.... the fish don't read the books!

It is the same as any livestock management, sometimes things just die for no explicable reason. Who knows if a fish has just had a heart attack or an aneurysm? Even if we did now, could we do anything about it?

I have brought an over anaesthetised fish back to life on a few occasions, but stroking back and forth along the lower jaw, forcing the mouth to open and shut, causing a flow of water over the gills is as far as we can go with resuscitation of our fish as far as I know.

Too many people come into fish keeping, have problems, lose fish and leave this fascinating hobby.
Ok just thought id update - lost one more but was one that seemed pretty bad last night - so suspected it would happen - the others are doing well - the guys are chasing the girls again so that's very good!! I added 2 more air stones to the front of the tank temporarily - so have 2 in front corners and one across the back - I want to make sure they have plenty of oxygen lol.
I soaked their flake in some garlic juice tonight - read it's pretty good for them - hopefully it will help.

The surviving endlers colours seem to be brightening up again - lost my favorite guy, he had a gorgeous double sword tail. Hopefully he is the father of some of the fry I have in the grow out tank.

Again I truly thank you all for helping keep my sanity throughout the past 24 hours..
I think it was a cull lol - survival of the fittest!!

Been checking my water levels constantly - nothing has changed.. :) except the amount of endlers I have.
I thought I'd give an update - no more deaths at all :)
Water parameters still spot on, I 'think' my 2 year old may have possibly added something to the water that caused this the little bugger - no doubt trying to help lol.
Anyway they all look healthy and happy and in a way I'm kind of glad as some of them I wasn't sure if they were guppy/endler hybrids or what :)

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