What is the best fish for a 5.5 gallon tank

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 13, 2013
My little brother had a 5.5 gallon tank for his turtle and recently upgraded to a 10 gallon, I now have the 5.5 gallon tank in my room set up for fish, after being cleaned of course. It has a heater that keeps the water at around 78-80 degrees Fahrenheit, a filter, two small hideaways and 2 small plants. What is the best fish I could get to put in this tank and what is the best way to care for that fish, i.e. how often and how much to feed it, how often to change the water, etc.
My little brother had a 5.5 gallon tank for his turtle and recently upgraded to a 10 gallon, I now have the 5.5 gallon tank in my room set up for fish, after being cleaned of course. It has a heater that keeps the water at around 78-80 degrees Fahrenheit, a filter, two small hideaways and 2 small plants. What is the best fish I could get to put in this tank and what is the best way to care for that fish, i.e. how often and how much to feed it, how often to change the water, etc.

I suggest a beta fish would be best and they are very simple to care for, just feed a quality pellet and keep doing water changes and your good
My little brother had a 5.5 gallon tank for his turtle and recently upgraded to a 10 gallon, I now have the 5.5 gallon tank in my room set up for fish, after being cleaned of course. It has a heater that keeps the water at around 78-80 degrees Fahrenheit, a filter, two small hideaways and 2 small plants. What is the best fish I could get to put in this tank and what is the best way to care for that fish, i.e. how often and how much to feed it, how often to change the water, etc.

There are a few options for a 5.5g - note that these are SEPARATE options, not to all be kept in the same small tank:

2 guppies

1 betta

3 endlers

2 sparkling gourami

2 scarlet badis

Up to 50 dwarf shrimp such as red cherry shrimp

There is a great article on here called "guide to starting a freshwater aquarium." I am unable to link it as I am on the app but I highly recommend reading it.
If you can find it, the elassoma evergaldsei sunfish is a great nano fish.
do a betta, there are so many out there in so many breeds and the sad truth is that most bettas are put into small bowls and die at a young age because of ammonia rise
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