What Is The Best Temperature For My Tank?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 12, 2012

My tank is 92cm long, 43cm high and 36cm deep.

I have gravel substrate, and im growing live plants in this. 2 species are growing great, the other 3 not so well and they are browning and dropping leaves and only just holding on. I have added some fertiliser to see if that will help, but I guess that some plants like in the garden have different lighting and temperature requirements.

My fish stock is:

9 Rummynose
5 Cardinal
10 Neons
2 Honey Gourami
4 Peppered Cordoras
and yesterday I put in 2 Bolivian Rams:)

The girl at the fish shop said that I cant put the Bolivian Rams in with my Tetra as they will eat them, but from what I have researched and seen online and advice from here is that they will be fine so I told her that I will take that risk and bought them anyway:angel:.

Anyway, my tank has been running at 24 or 25 degrees celcius from the heater, and the thermometer is reading 21 or 22 down the other end of the tank and has been like this most of the time, all the fish seem to quite happy and energetic. My question is am I running it too cold? and should I have the temperature higher for the fish I have?, I dont want to do them any harm by not having the right temperature, but a the same time I dont want to roast the plants. Should I turn the heater up to like 28 or something so that the thermometer reads 23 or 24 at the other end? or should I just leave it as I have it.

Sorry if this is a stupid question.

Im not very good at this but i recommend 28degrees. But its better to listen to the other experts!
26 would be perfect, you might want to add another heater to the end of the tank as that's a big temperature difference, or try to reposition your current heater.

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