What is the Stupidest Thing you Have Done, or are Still Doing, With Your Tanks?

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Giving in to the fish begging for food. My angels are the worst! But my rummies are almost as bad. They behave like they are never fed half the time :D
Ha, I have one for you.....Fishing out a snowflake eel from my filtration....being stupid...putting him back in the tank too find him back in the same miserable spot. Did this not once but twice...eeek. Back to the LFS for a bigger eel. Nano tanks are a tight squeeze. Not to mention I had to pull everything out to get him....IMAGINE that at 10 oclock at night
Bubbles0oO said:
....is the stupidest thing you have done ,or are still doing with your tanks ? you know it's bad but you do it anyway? Like extra food, treats or water changes?

One thing I do , well don't do, is use heaters... I live in Florida and I keep thermometers in all my tanks, no heating/ cooling problems though.

I put 6 female and 1 male guppy in my 30 gal tank.........3 months later I had like 100 of them!!! I was giving them away like candy in Halloween night!
Too big of fish for the tank size :/ they are still really small but eventually i will have to make a decision
DancesWithEwoks said:
I put 6 female and 1 male guppy in my 30 gal tank.........3 months later I had like 100 of them!!! I was giving them away like candy in Halloween night!

That is not a bad idea.....lol
I cleaned both canisters on my 140g cichlid tank and rinsed the media in the wrong bucket of water (tap instead of tank water). Woke up the next morning to 14 dead fish. Some that I had for upwards of 5 years. Sad day in my house. :(
I bought 10 Crystal red shrimp, pretty expensive critters. I have a fluval edge with a dwarf gourami, mollie, a couple mickey mouse platys, and around 5 ghost shrimp. I thought since the ghost shrimp were in there doing great the CRS would be just fine. Boy was I wrong, soon as I put them in there, they were eaten, I tried saving them, I had my sister bring over a small 1g aquarium and managed to catch 2 and put them in there, One died shortly after the move, The other is still doing well.
I once performed my weekly test for Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate - then without thinking dumped all three tubes of already tested water back into my tank. One fish swam into the colored water and freaked out - but didn't seem to cause him (or any others) any lasting harm.
I once performed my weekly test for Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate - then without thinking dumped all three tubes of already tested water back into my tank. One fish swam into the colored water and freaked out - but didn't seem to cause him (or any others) any lasting harm.

Haha, I almost did that once. Then I read the bottles and that say "corrosive" and "irritant" :p
LOL I always almost do that. I am always nervous when I take the sample because I think of that one spot I might have cleaned only 99.98% lol
Well in my tanks beginning phases, about 3 weeks into the cycle, hubs and I decided we wanted cichlid sand. Right then. It was super impulsive. When we realized our HOB wasn't going to cut it with the new substrate, we purchased a canister. Needless to say, in our naivety, we totally crashed the cycle. -.-
The lead in: I've been home after having surgery. The doctor warned me I would have moments of fatigue and my body will tell me that I need to rest right then, soooo;

This past Tuesday, the hubby had to take his dad to the VA. I decided to finish cleaning the last two tanks. I finished cleaning and filling the 36, decided to to give my new 10 and our QT tub a water change, then moved on to the 120. Got it cleaned and started refilling ( I use a python). I sat down in a chair, my body telling me I had over-done it, and seems I fell asleep. I woke up to the tank over-flowing, the floor soaking wet. So wet that it was flowing into our laundry room, which luckily has a floor drain. We're still trying to dry the carpet. I felt like an idiot.

The moral of this story: don't fall asleep when using a python to refill a tank.
I got mbuna cichlids in a 20 gallon. (it was my 2nd fish tank ever and I got my advice from petsmart...)
Almost flooded the basement yesterday. I was draining the tank with a python and I didn't realize the sink was plugged. I come down and see water everywhere! Everything was soaked with fish water. Took every towel in the house to clean up.

Beat that :p
The 1st time I cleaned my canister, I forgot to remove the intake. I drained about 5 gallons in my living room floor before I knew what happened.

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